Singing Guide: Alejandro Sanz

Singing Guide: Alejandro Sanz

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Alejandro Sanz is a multi-talented Spanish singer, songwriter, record producer and musician. He is known for his soulful ballads and flamenco-influenced pop songs. Sanz's unique vocal technique strongly emphasizes the importance of emotional expression, tone color, and vocal dynamics. His attention to detail and ability to convey his emotions through his voice makes him one of the best singers of his generation. In this article, we will explore Sanz's singing style and give practical tips to help you sing like him.

Understanding Sanz's Vocal Technique

Alejandro Sanz is a master of vocal dynamics. He knows when to use his breathy high notes and when to belt out his powerful low notes. He believes that a great singer should possess the ability to convey the emotions of the song through their voice. Hence, he encourages singers to pay close attention to their tone color and vibrato. This can make all the difference when delivering an authentic and compelling singing performance.

Given that Sanz is widely regarded for his soulful ballads, his expertise in emotive singing is quite understandable. As such, it's important to understand that Sanz almost always sings with a gritty, scratchy voice quality. This can be easily achieved by adding a touch of breathiness to the voice and by alternating between the chest and head voice efficiently.

Famous Tracks By Sanz

Some of Sanz's most famous tracks include "Corazón Partío," "Amiga Mía," and "Y ¿Si Fuera Ella?". These tracks show the breadth and depth of Sanz's vocal range and how he uses his unique vocal technique to great effect. To truly understand Sanz's vocal technique and to sing like him, try singing along with these songs. Listen closely to how he uses his breath support and varies the dynamics throughout the song.

Lessons and Exercises to Sing like Alejandro Sanz

There are a number of practical tips and resources available from Singing Carrots to help you develop your voice and become a better singer. Here are some of our top recommendations:

  • Vocal Range Test: Use this test to determine your vocal range and compare it with famous singers. Use this as a starting point to find the range that suits your voice best.
  • Breath Support: Learn about the importance of breath control in singing. Use this exercise to improve your breath support.
  • Vocal Warmups: Sanz is known to be a stickler for proper vocal warmups, and Singing Carrots comes with a variety of vocal warmup exercises for completeness.
  • Pitch Accuracy Test: Use this test to assess pitch accuracy and identify the problem areas in your voice.
  • Open Mouth and Throat: This article teaches you why it is essential to keep your mouth and throat open while singing to achieve the desired tone quality.
  • Articulation: Learn about the importance of articulation and use this exercise to improve your diction.
  • Sing with Intuition: Learn how to translate emotion into your voice with creative expression by approaching singing with intuition.

In summary, to sing like Alejandro Sanz, study his vocal technique and listen closely to his tracks to understand his singing style. Use Singing Carrots' resources for practical advice and exercises, and remember to approach your singing with emotion, creativity, and breath control. With hard work and practice, you can achieve the same level of vocal mastery as Sanz himself.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.